Thursday 20 August 2015

Genuine online business you can do

Hi! There are truly lots of genuine online business one can do to make good money. Lots of people don't believe that one can earn a good living off the internet programs. One of such sample is paying Seun like crazy.

I have been online for some time now and have tried my hands on so many things including forum. I have come to realize that the two important key to online business success are 1. stay away from the free stuff and 2. stay focus on one area (niche) at a time before switching to another program.

One good area i will like to talk about is selling. I mean selling your own products, whether you like it or not and whether you believe it or not people are buying online. And surprisingly those who go for the free stuff pay more. Its so unfortunate that poverty is more expensive than riches, where you get to pay more because you lack the money to buy than if you had the money to buy.

Hei! don't be scared i'm just teasing, no one is poor, poverty is in the mind and does not exist, all you need is to erase poverty from your mind by getting it informed OK. Like this one right now.

But what can you sell? This is the question lots of people ask and wander about online, I did too. The best product you can sell is those you either created yourself or have the right to own it 100%. Now that's when you are on business. The truth is 98% of those online are searching for solution to one problem or the other while the rest 2% are chatting. If you therefore can produce the solution of just one area of problem, then go to bed because you are rich. That's how nice the internet is. It did it for the billionaire facebook boy, who thought out solution to social media.

Now you are beginning to get it don't you. One of the way to internet riches is 'think! think! think! and keep thinking!' What can you do yourself? I mean what do you know how to do, and love doing? OK, lets see the simple one, can you think of putting the idea you have down on papers?

If you can then you can write out a clear step by step way to do it. Then you have just solved a problem. No matter how small, old fashion, stale news, back dated, silly, non relevant in the society any more etc that you think the idea is, it is still an eye opener to some one some where. Remember the internet is known as 'world wide web www'. So some one far away does not know what you know, so start writing it down and teach the person.

OK enough, i've got to go now. I am building a site, that aims at showing people how to make money online, writing and creating ebooks and software and how to sell, where to sell them online. I'm just gathering my content on the site, but its up to do now. Check it out:

Thursday 30 July 2015

The 7 Laws Of Money And Wealth

Money and wealth is something that anyone can acquire in their lifetime. It only takes the knowledge and understanding of a few simple laws in which it is obtained.
Here, on this page, are those laws. Anyone seeking great wealth should learn these laws and start applying them in their daily lives. While these laws are simple to learn, it takes great discipline to apply them. Many people who have desired wealth have fallen short because they have failed to follow one or more of these seven laws.
Do not let such a thing happen to you! Start your journey towards wealth by following these powerful laws. For they are short in words, but long on wisdom…

Law #1: The Starting Point Of Riches

The first law is very simple. It may even seem like common sense to you. However, don’t let it’s simplicity fool you. If you fail to follow this simple law, then quite frankly, there is no need to read the rest of this page. You will likely fail on your quest towards riches.
You see, the amount of money that one earns is a poor indicator of how wealthy they are. Instead, it’s what one does with their money, and how much they save that really matters. With that being said, here is the first law of building extraordinary wealth…
For all of the money that you earn, first put aside 10% to pay to yourself.
It’s amazing how we forget to do this as we go about life. We pay everyone else, the bank, the government, the landlord. We pay all of these people before we ever pay ourselves. Don’t let this happen to you anymore. Pay 10% to yourself for yours to keep. Then do everything you can to live off of the rest and pay those that you need to.
Just think about how much money you would have right now if you applied this law for your entire life. I would imagine that you would have far more wealth than what you do right now. Don’t let the depress you. Simply let this realization excite you for how much potential this law will have towards your future.
Here’s the amazing thing about saving 10% of everything that you earn. You won’t notice any difference from before as you go about your day! Your spending will seem to be about the same that it was for. However, because you paid yourself first, you will have started your journey towards great fortunes and financial success!

Law #2: Control Your Spending

This is likely the biggest reason why so few people become wealthy. Many people seem to have this deep desire within them to keep spending and spending. Usually on things that they could easily live without.
It doesn’t really matter how much money you make, you will be poor all of your life if you can’t follow this simple law.
Probably the greatest example of this is the well-known boxer Mike Tyson. During his career, he made hundreds of millions of dollars. However, he was one of the biggest spenders there was. To give one example, he spent over $200,000 on cellphones and pagers in a span of only 3 years. Despite all of his earnings, he became in debt for millions of dollars. Making him one of the poorest people on the planet.
Many people believe that money would solve all of their problems. But in reality, it would probably only make their problems worse. When someone acquires a large sum of money, such as a lottery winner, who isn’t disciplined with the law of controlled spending, their fortune quickly disappears.
I suggest to you to learn this discipline now while your fortune may be low. By learning it now, you will prevent yourself from greater problems in the future when the fortune of large sums of money start pouring in.

Law #3: Make Money Earn Money

I hope you become a master of your spending and paying yourself 10% of all that you earn. Because it’s only then that you should continue your journey with law #3. Once you are ready, you can then start to think about what to do with the 10% that you have saved.
What we need to do with this 10% is find some way to make this money earn more money. Let this money work as if it were a slave out to serve us. What we need to do is make this slave make more slaves. And then those slaves make even more slaves. So that we have a large abundance of slaves working hard to make us more money.
Does this sound impossible? Does it sound too good to be true? I assure you, it isn’t. In fact, it can be done by anyone, and it can be done in a variety of ways.
Without having you think too long, there are two ways that I know of that allow your money to make more money…
The first, is starting your own business. You can use your savings to start a business that you are highly educated in. It’s only then, that you should start this business. Because if you start this business before you are educated in the field of business, and if you don’t have complete confidence in the product being sold, the earnings you have saved will be gone.
Business is a risk, but it can have huge rewards. You can set up a system that will pour money into your bank account. You can then use those earnings to start yet another business. Which will then lead to even more money in your bank account.
You can start as simple as you like. It’s kind of like the board game Monopoly if you are familiar with it. You can buy a green house. Then another. Then another. Then trade all of them in for one red motel. It really can be that simple. Many of the huge companies that you see today were not nearly as big when they first started. Dell computers started in Michael Dell’s dorm room. Since then, it has grown to be quite bigger than that!
You can start small in your business. And slowly start to grow it as you gain knowledge and experience. This is how many businesses become the large companies that they are today.
The second way to have your money earn more money is through investing. With smart investing, you can build wealth to levels that you never thought possible.
Investing and the power of compound interest are a great example of money earning more money. Any money that you properly invest in will earn you even more money. Then the money that you invested, in addition to the money that was earned, will then start to earn you even more money.
This cycle continues over and over again. It starts out small. Which is why so many people don’t take advantage of it. But over time, the earnings begin to increase more and more rapidly. It will truly be a sight to see when your patience starts to pay off.
Every wise person takes advantage of compound interest and making their money earn more money. This is the third law of money and wealth. Do not let it go unnoticed.

Law #4: Protect Your Money From Loss

One thing is for certain, it’s much easier to lose money than it is to make it. It doesn’t matter how wealthy you are, you can lose it all in minutes if you really want to. You could just walk on the street and hand all of your money over to the first person that you see. Gee, how happy would they be?
The problem that gets so many people into trouble is that they wish for money instead of finding realistic ways of acquiring it. You can see this for yourself if you have ever been to Las Vegas. Thousands of people wishing to acquire wealth by wasting money in games where the odds are against them.
With law #4, you must be smarter than that. You must value money and realize that it is too precious of a commodity to waste. Risk is OK. However, you should only take risk when the odds are stacked in your favor. And also when there is a profitable return for your success.
There are other ways in which your fortune can disappear. For those happenings, you should be properly insured.
Buy insurance on anything that you could not afford to repay, should something happen to it. By doing so, you will be protected from any unfortunate events that may happen. It doesn’t matter how unlikely the event, if it would wipe out your fortune if it did happen, get insurance for it.
I will let you use your own judgment when it comes to other means of protection. Just make sure that your years of wise uses of money does not come crashing down because of one small error in not protecting your fortune.

Law #5: Make A Wise Investment

You should make it a priority in your life to have a home that you have paid for in full. By doing so, you will dramatically reduce your cost of living. You can then use this additional money to find ways to have it earn even more money for you.
It doesn’t have to be a large home. In fact, the smallest and least expensive home that satisfies you is your best choice.
Many people fall for the advice from bankers that you should buy a larger home because of the tax deductions from your mortgage. The more money you make, the bigger the home you should buy, as they suggest. The problem with this is…
You shouldn’t seek advice from someone who is making a profit from your decision. The reason bankers give you this advice is because that is how they stay in business. A home is a huge asset. But it is a huge asset to the banker, not you. Don’t ever do something because of the tax benefits alone as they suggest. Buy a home? Yes! But don’t be fooled into thinking that a home is your greatest asset because it is not.
If you follow the seven laws, you will have assets far greater than your home. If a large home is what you seek, pay for it only when the time comes that you are financially free and will continue a comfortable style of living.
Remember, own your home. However, do not be fooled into thinking that it’s your greatest asset. There are assets that will be worth far more to you in your promising future.

Law #6: Plan For The Future

Don’t ignore the fact that the time will come in your life where you will be unable to work at the rate that you do now. Age will slowly start to impact you and you will be contemplating the thoughts of retirement. Also, don’t assume that the government, your company, or some other source is going to take care of you when you retire…
You must plan in advance and take care of yourself!
This sixth law shouldn’t go unnoticed because if you do, it can lead to serious regret later. I don’t care what your age is right now, whether it be six or sixty, start taking immediate action towards planning your retirement.
Start building a nest egg today that will allow you to live the lifestyle that you truly desire when you reach the age of retirement. The greatest advice about retirement planning is this…
The sooner you get started, the better off you are going to be!
Set up a savings program which gives you the security and protection you need for your later years. We should all be living the good life in our final days. But it is up to us to make sure that it happens.

Law #7: Increase Your Earning Power

The seventh and final law of money and wealth is probably the most important. And that is to increase your earning power. To improve your knowledge and wisdom so that in the event of misfortune, you will be able to use the skills you have acquired to get back your losses.
If you ask a large group of people what they would rather have, wisdom or wealth, nearly all of them would probably say wealth. However, as the saying goes…
If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. But if you teach him how to fish, he eats for a lifetime.”
Always be a student, even long after your days of schooling are over. We humans have an incredible capacity for learning. There’s no limit to what we can learn in a lifetime. If you can spend just a little bit of time each day learning something new, you will be amazed by how much you will know in a span of only a few years.
There is one quality that nearly every successful person has. And that is that they are avid readers.
Start today by building your library of great books. Become a person that craves to learn something new. There are many things that you can do wrong with money, but lack of wisdom is a far greater mistake.
You can take away all of the money from the greatest minds of our time and they can immediately start to rebuild their fortune if they so desire.
This is what you need to be able to do with yourself. Have such an unlimited quantity of knowledge that it doesn’t matter what happens to your wealth. You can give it all away if you wanted and be confident in knowing that you could get it all back.
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The 7 Laws Of Money And Wealth
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Thursday 16 July 2015

Why Even the Rich Don’t Trust Themselves with Their Money

When the affluent are nervous, it's time for middle-class investors to make sure their portfolios are on track.

If the wild market swings of the past week have you feeling anxious about your portfolio, you’re not alone. Even wealthy investors say a volatile stock market puts them on edge, perhaps because so much of their money is bound up in stocks.
A new study finds that almost 40% of affluent investors don’t trust themselves to manage their own investments during market downturns—in fact, more than 60% of those surveyed say they currently work with a financial adviser. (Although the study targeted people with more than $250,000 in financial assets, the group surveyed had a median $450,000 parked in the stock market.)
It’s not just wealthy investors who are worried about their finances, of course. Another recent survey found that 62% of Americans overall reported being kept awake by money concerns, though the percentage is smaller than in past years. Among those losing sleep, 40% reported worrying about retirement savings; among those ages 50-54, fully half said this concern keeps them up at night.
No question, the markets have been especially turbulent lately. After a fairly quiet spring, the VIX—a measure of volatility in the S&P 500—jumped at the end of June, as the Greek debt crisis and China’s stock market turmoil made headlines. Plus, a technical glitch shut down the New York Stock Exchange. (The crisis in Greece appears be on track to a resolution, but China’s shaky stock market may yet upend global markets.)
The Surge in Advice
Granted, investment surveys like these tend to play up market anxieties—and the need for professional hand-holding. Wells Fargo, the sponsor of this particular survey, made more than $800 million off its financial advisory business last year.
It’s just one of the proliferating number of financial services firms offering advice to nervous investors. That list includes not only brokers (like Wells Fargo) and fee-only advisers, but also the new breed of low-cost online investment advisory services (often labeled robo-advisers) such as Wealthfront and Betterment.
Established fund groups like Charles Schwab and Vanguard have also gotten into the act by offering a mix of automated advice and human guidance for significantly lower fees—or no fees at all, in the case of Schwab Intelligent Portfolios. Meanwhile, some fee-only advisers have changed their pricing model to create an offering for younger and less affluent investors, which is paid through monthly retainer fees rather than charging a percentage of assets. (Such plans give younger investors access to unbiased advice, but the resulting price tag winds up being well above the traditional 1% of assets.)
Where to Get Help
Should you opt for one of these advice services? The answer may depend on how susceptible you are to fear, greed and other portfolio-undermining emotions. If the answer is “very,” there are simple ways to get some guidance.
The easiest move is to use a low-cost target-date fund, which will give you instant diversification, automatic rebalancing, and an asset mix that grows more conservative as you approach your retirement date.
You can also consider one of the online offerings. You can start small—Wealthfront, for example, just lowered its minimum investment to $500. Above $10,000, you will pay a fee of roughly 0.25% of invested assets.
But if you think you can go it alone, you can save yourself even that modest fee. After all, that Wells Fargo data shows that 61% of those wealthy investors still do trust themselves to stay calm when markets shake. If you know you’ll be able to keep your head while flying solo, pick a simple portfolio allocation, fill it with low-cost index funds and rebalance once a year.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

How to Enable Monetization for Your YouTube Account

When your YouTube videos begin attracting a large audience, you can turn those clips into an extra source of revenue by enabling monetization on your account. Monetization is a simple process that requires you to agree to YouTube's terms and conditions for advertising. Once you agree to the terms, you can allow ads to run with your videos, and YouTube will share of portion of the ad revenue with you.
Step 1Sign in to your YouTube account, and then click your name in the sidebar to open your YouTube profile page.
Step 2Click the "Video Manager" link, click "Channel Settings" and then click "Monetization" to open the Monetization page. This page contains information on the types of videos that are eligible for ads. Generally, you can allow ads only on videos you create yourself, and you must have written permission to use any copyrighted material in the video.
Step 3Click the "Enable My Account" button at the top of the page, and then check the boxes indicating agreement with YouTube's terms and conditions.
Step 4Click "I Accept" to enable monetization for your account. YouTube returns to your Uploads page, which lists your YouTube videos. Even though monetization is enabled for your account, you won't produce any revenue until you enable advertisements for individual videos. You also must verify your YouTube account by phone before you can monetize videos.
Step 5Click "Channel Settings" in the sidebar and then click "Verify." Enter your phone number, select either "Voice Call" or "SMS," and then click "Submit." Google calls or texts you with a six-digit verification code that you must enter on the next screen. Once you submit the code, your account is verified and you can monetize your videos.
Step 6Click "Video Manager" in the sidebar to return to the Uploads page. Check the box next to one or more of your videos, and then select "Monetize" from the "Actions" menu at the top of the list.
Step 7Select the types of ads you want to allow with your videos. YouTube will always display banner ads above or to the side of your videos, but you can also allow preview ads to appear before a video, or allow overlay ads to appear as transparencies in the lower portion of your video.
Step 8Click "Monetize" once you make your selections. YouTube will preview your ads to make sure they meet the requirements for monetization, and then approve or reject them in about 48 hours. In some cases YouTube may ask you for written documentation that you are the copyright holder of the material in the video. Your videos will be labeled "Monetized" on your Uploads page once they are accepted.

Tuesday 7 July 2015


Here are three payment proofs from October 2011 showing you some legitimate websites (all of them are FREE) where you can get paid every month. None of these are money making ideas that will make you a whole lot on their own but you can easily reach payment each month with all of them and combined, make an easy $60 to $100 or even more if you set aside some time after work every day. Again, all of these are FREE and you can make this money by only doing the free things on each site like I do.
1) First up is SquishyCash that pays you lots of different ways and I choose PayPal. You can make money with them by completing surveys, offers, shopping through their sites, and several other ways.You can see my PayPal payment below and they pay on time at the end of every month as long as you reach the payout amount of $20:

2) Second up is my PayPal payment from Treasure Trooper. They also have a payout amount of $20 and once you reach that a check or online payment (your choice) will automatically be sent out. Do a little every day and should be easy to get paid by them every month as well:

3) My third payment comes from a site called SwagBucks where I earn credits for using their search engine. I then redeem those credits for $15 iTunes gift cards of which I ordered and received two of them last month. You can earn credits (SwagBucks) lots of different ways but I get most of mine by simply using their search engine instead of going to Google or Yahoo. You can read more about the site and view a video I made about them here – SwagBucks review.

MONEY MAKING WITH FIVERR is a website that has exploded in popularity over the last several years. I didn’t think it would make it due to the fact that people can only make $5 per task (minus fees) but I was definitely wrong. There is a lot of money making going on at that site and you might want to check it out to see if you can profit too.
To get an idea of what people are selling on Fiverr all you need to do is go to the home page and you will see lots of “gigs” listed. Almost anything you can imagine is listed there and the cost for everything is $5. These are not products like the things sold on Ebay but mostly services. People are really creative and you will find gigs like voice-overs, short custom videos, writing, singing, testimonials, drawing, photo taking, and almost anything else you can think of for sale there.
How Can You Make Money?
One of the keys to making money on Fiverr is to be able to do something well that people need/want and, to be able to do it over and over. In other words, you need to find something that is easily repeatable. Remember, you will only be paid $5 and you won’t get all of that because the site has to take their cut. So in reality you have to assume you will really be making only about $4 per customer.
There are thousands of sellers on Fiverr now and chances are that whatever you have to offer, at least a dozen people are already doing it. That is why it helps to be good looking (if you are doing video), have a beautiful voice (if you are singing), or be able to stand out in some way from the rest of the gig sellers. This is a marketplace after all and just as in real life, the people with the good looks, the talent, and the creativity will end up profiting the most.
Getting Noticed On Fiverr
But even if you are good at something and have a great gig to offer, you need to get noticed first in order for people to find you. And even if they do find you, they will probably not use you if you don’t have any reviews. Getting positive reviews should be your first and only goal at the beginning because this is how you will slowly get more business.
Social validation is the key to getting people to pay you for your gigs. Sellers who have dozens to hundreds of positive reviews will find it much easier to get even more people to pay for their services. It is sort of like a snowball that gains momentum as it gets bigger and bigger rolling down the hill. No one wants to be the first one (guinea pig) to try a gig so most people stick to the ones that look to be reliable based on existing feedback.
This can be the most frustrating thing about starting out on Fiverr: getting your initial sales in order to get good feedback. It can be really hard to get the first sales and I might suggest that you even go as far as to have your friends pay for the first 5 or so gigs in order to get that positive feedback. Remember, you will get about $4 back so having friends “help you out” at the start will only cost about $1 per gig if you pay them back.
Offer Something That Is Popular Or Needed
Of course in the end, you need to offer a service that people want. It doesn’t matter how much promotion you do if you are selling something that no one is interested in. The best way to figure out what you might want to do is to start researching on Fiverr itself to see what type of things have lots of buyers. See what is selling and then figure out if you can offer that same or a similar service to meet the demand.
Again, the way to make more money than just $5 here and there is to find something that is relatively easy to do, can be done over and over, and has lots of buyers. It is not easy to find a gig like that but it shows you how real life and competition works when you are trying to differentiate yourself from the crowd. Even if you are never able to make too much, it is one of the real legitimate money making ideas out there and you will probably have a lot of fun and learn how a real marketplace works.


Perfect for beginner affiliate marketers who don’t want to buy their own domain and set up website is something called It is a website where you can review products and make money by inserting your own affiliate links into your reviews. 
Unlike other similar sites, you will get 100% of your profits on Ukritic because you are using and in control of your own links you get from affiliate sites like Amazon, Commission Junction, ClickBank, etc. If you are looking for online money making ideas, this is something you should explore because you can do it with zero out of pocket costs.
Don’t understand what any of this means?
Affiliate marketing is where you write information on a blog or website and convince the reader to take action. That action can be to buy a product, sign up for a free trial, take a survey, or do something else an advertiser would want them to do. In return for getting your readers to take action, advertisers pay bloggers  a small “finders fee” or a small percentage of the sale price.
The money you will make with will come directly from the advertisers you have affiliate agreements with. IT WILL NOT COME FROM UKRITIC. So….in order to make money you will have to sign up to the affiliate program(s) of choice such as Amazon.
Write Real Reviews!
Everything you write on Ukritic should be a real review of something you already own, have recently purchased, or something you have used. You should strive to give details about your experiences that only real reviewers would know because that is more convincing. Too many marketers today write fake reviews about products they have never used just to try to get a commission.
Readers are smart and they are always looking for real product reviews before they buy. One of the reasons people like so much is because they are big and thus get lots of reviews of products that people buy on the site. You know the reviews on Amazon are genuine as opposed to some other site that doesn’t have many.
That is why you should make every effort to give honest opinions of the products you review. The more detailed and genuine they are, the more likely you are to get that click from the reader that will result in a sale.
A Drawback: No Guarantees
Like everything with Internet marketing and affiliate marketing, there are no guarantees you will make money. In order to be able to make money online in this fashion you have to be willing to put in time without knowing whether it will be time well spent.
But for someone who doesn’t have much money to invest, writing reviews for Ukritic seems like a great way to get started and get some experience. The things you learn will come for free and you won’t be out any pocket money. You will become more familiar with how to write in a fashion that gets people to do what you want them to do which is very important in the online world.
However, I think you will find that if Ukritic does well in the search engines and you put up some well written and well thought out product reviews, the chances are you will make some money.