Thursday 20 August 2015

Genuine online business you can do

Hi! There are truly lots of genuine online business one can do to make good money. Lots of people don't believe that one can earn a good living off the internet programs. One of such sample is paying Seun like crazy.

I have been online for some time now and have tried my hands on so many things including forum. I have come to realize that the two important key to online business success are 1. stay away from the free stuff and 2. stay focus on one area (niche) at a time before switching to another program.

One good area i will like to talk about is selling. I mean selling your own products, whether you like it or not and whether you believe it or not people are buying online. And surprisingly those who go for the free stuff pay more. Its so unfortunate that poverty is more expensive than riches, where you get to pay more because you lack the money to buy than if you had the money to buy.

Hei! don't be scared i'm just teasing, no one is poor, poverty is in the mind and does not exist, all you need is to erase poverty from your mind by getting it informed OK. Like this one right now.

But what can you sell? This is the question lots of people ask and wander about online, I did too. The best product you can sell is those you either created yourself or have the right to own it 100%. Now that's when you are on business. The truth is 98% of those online are searching for solution to one problem or the other while the rest 2% are chatting. If you therefore can produce the solution of just one area of problem, then go to bed because you are rich. That's how nice the internet is. It did it for the billionaire facebook boy, who thought out solution to social media.

Now you are beginning to get it don't you. One of the way to internet riches is 'think! think! think! and keep thinking!' What can you do yourself? I mean what do you know how to do, and love doing? OK, lets see the simple one, can you think of putting the idea you have down on papers?

If you can then you can write out a clear step by step way to do it. Then you have just solved a problem. No matter how small, old fashion, stale news, back dated, silly, non relevant in the society any more etc that you think the idea is, it is still an eye opener to some one some where. Remember the internet is known as 'world wide web www'. So some one far away does not know what you know, so start writing it down and teach the person.

OK enough, i've got to go now. I am building a site, that aims at showing people how to make money online, writing and creating ebooks and software and how to sell, where to sell them online. I'm just gathering my content on the site, but its up to do now. Check it out: